Ball Joints

Supporting car life around the world
Somic Ishikawa's flagship products
Somic Ishikawa's major product is the ball joint. Ball joints are safety related critical parts and perform like human's joints. They are functioning mainly in two different systems, namely steering and suspension. Steering system ball joints are essential for transmitting steering operations onto automobile's tires. Steering Ball joints support the vehicle's turning function out of three basic functions with the vehicle, namely driving, turning, and stopping. Suspension system ball joints help tires to maintain proper direction and to increase the vehicle stability while driving, contributing significantly to realize today's safe and comfortable driving.
In fact, requirement features quite vary depending on the car manufacture and car model. Required features vary depending on the car manufacturer and car model. Ball joints must meet precise needs and priorities of the client, such as stability levels, load bearing capacities, high rigidity, low costs, etc. Somic Ishikawa is highly valued by car manufacturers for strong technological and developmental capabilities relating to these needs and priorities. Somic is proud of the current top market position in a Japanese market. We have also made great strides in expanding our global share, and are reaching our goal of calling ourselves the world's top ball joint maker.
Here are some of Somic Ishikawa's ball joint related products.
Steering System Ball Joints
Tie-Rod Ends

Tie-rod end moves in accordance by the up-down movements of tires and transmits steering operations it receives from the steering side (rack end) to the tire side (knuckle end).
Rack Ends

A rack end moves in accordance by the up-down movements of tires and transmits steering operations it receives from the steering side (rack and pinion gear box) to the tire side (tie-rod end).
Suspension System Ball Joints
Suspension Ball Joints

Suspension Ball joint links between the tire side (Hub Carrier) and Suspension arm, and allow the bouncing and steering movement of tires, in order to keep the tires always in the ideal position.
Stabilizer Link Ball Joints

Stabilizer Ball joint links the tire side (suspension arm or absorber etc.) to Stabilizer bar, and transfers up and down of tire to Stabilizer bar in order to keep the body's level better.
Suspension Arm and Ball Bush

Suspension Arm
Suspension Arm links between the tire side (Wheel carrier) and the body, and maintains the tires always in the ideal position.
Ball Bush
It serves the same purpose as ball joints but is used in the rear section.
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